First the prizes!
Prize pack #2: A box of books! I will include some of my favorite books I've read through the last year, and maybe even a couple ARCs.
Prize pack #3: Snack pack! Cookies, chocolates, sweettarts, and jolly ranchers. Because every writer needs snacks close at hand.
Three people will receive (one each) a framed message meant for inspiration, made by me!
The rules:
You must be a follower to enter.
You must comment with your email address.
Here's where it gets tricky: In your comment, I want you to tell me who of your fellow writer friends inspires you. You guys know I'm all about spreading the love, so let's share. If they blog, leave us a link so we can visit them.
That's it! I'd appreciate it if you spread the word by tweeting or blogging about the contest, but that's not a condition of entry.
The deadline to enter is January 31st at 11:59pm. I will announce the winners on Friday, February 4th.
Hooray! You broke through to triple digits! :D Does it count that my name is connected to my email address? if not,
and there are so many bloggers who inspire me. Everyone seems to have their day. The one who gives me the most writing ideas is KM Weiland (Wordplay). My two loveable critters, Carolyn Abiad (Burnt Amber) and (Tami Hart) Watery Tart are fab, too. I don't know how to do the linkey, but you can google them~
Yay, Holly! :o) <3
Hmmm, so many people inspire me, but I'll go with the youngest, simply because I'm astounded she isn't my age based on her wisedom and writing skill: Glenna Walsh AKA Blue Lipstick Samurai,
Congratulations, Holly!
I will Tweet the contest and put it in my sidebar.
Thanks, LTM, I will definitely look them up!
Thank you, Abby!! And you're right, Glenna is an inspiration for sure!
Awesome giveaway! Wow, love those prize packs (admittedly, #2 is my fave)!
I think the "friend" who most inspires me is Pam at Y(A)? Cuz We Write!...I just love her! Please go check out her blog:
Congrats on reaching 100 followers, and thanks for the giveaway!
Yay!! Congrats, Holly! :) Okay, this may seem pretty lame, but my cousin, Quita, definitely inspires me. She'll read every single draft of the same story, and she always, ALWAYS finds something else to praise. She also keeps me on task when my adult ADD kicks in and makes me keep my butt-in-chair. We blog together, so I think you know where to find us. :)
Aww, I just saw Jamie's comment. I'm shedding a tear!! I heart him. :)
I <3 my in home writing partner/cousin/sister Pam. She inspires me to write when I don't feel like it, and she encourages me when I give up on a project. I have a problem with trying to do too many things at once, reading three novels, writing three WIPs, plus my thesis for my MFA program...and she knows how to calm me down. She makes me take things one day at a time- and she is totally talented. I want to be like her when I grow up (p.s. we're only two years apart)
Thanks for the contest and congrats for making it to 100!!!
I'm so glad I asked for the inspirational bit. It warms my heart to see all these. :) Thank you all so much for playing along!!
congrats on 100 followers. my email is katherine.elliott.scott (at) gmail (dot) come.
I am inspired by you:) Is that sucking up to much? I'm also inspired by Tina over at the practice room
Your 100 follower giveaway kicks my 100 follower giveaway's ass. I love it!
My email: loganeturnerblog (at) gmail (dot) com.
My inspiration is Tabitha at Writer Musings. I met her in a writing class and she was SO knowledgeable! I wanted to be on top of what was happening in the world of kidlit, so I started following her blog and she was a major inspiration for starting my own. She's the best, and I get to see her in class again starting tomorrow! Wheeee!
Congrats on all your followers! Well deserved. ;)
This is going to sound cheesy, but my inspiration is my hubby. He's endlessly interested in what I'm writing, gives me tons of helpful feedback, and believes in my talent. Also - my family. Because they're awesome.
Holly, you're like the queen of contest-hosting right now.
I'm going to say Erinn. You know her. She comments on here. She can be found at
My student writers inspire me--For real. They often have the courage to explore what real life is like for them. They write so beautifully and it's a huge honor and pleasure to read their work!
Thanks for the contest! I am a follower.
mrsderaps @ hotmail . com
You have such an upbeat blog, Holly, so YOU inspire me!
And my mysterious first reader (aka my cuz) inspires me even though he totally wants to get rid of one of my characters. Ack, but he's the best!
Email is, and I'll link from The Flying Cheetah(
Great contest! I *heart* snack packs!
Great contest. I am an old follower-- as you know. My email is kat(dot)owens(at)gmail(dot)com
You, Erinn, and Glenna were among the first people who followed me. I feel like you three really "showed me the ropes" of the whole blogging thing, for which I am eternally grateful.
Cool contest, Holly! I like spreading the positive!
Just about everybody who blogs inspires me with their dedication and kindness, but I have to say that Susan Dennard really stands out. Her website is a treasure trove of helpful hints and ideas and she works so HARD at making her manuscripts the best they can be. She reviews books on writing and writes about the craft in clear, easy to understand ways (with examples from Star Wars!). Also, she was my first follower and left me a kind comment that showed me what a friendly place the big scary internet really is.
My friend J (who does not have a blog yet, so I can't link to her) also inspires me because whenever I call her to come over and distract me she is at her desk working, which keeps me at my desk working as well!
would be someone's I inspiration. Weird because I know me and I'm not all that great at all.
I"m always inspired by moms who write. It gives me hope. The gals over at Write On Con and YA HIGHWAY are constant sources of inspiration for me. As well as all my awesome blogger friends, like you, KO, Alicia and everyone else doing WOA
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