Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday Fun

I won a prize over at That's Write this week! (Thanks, Leigh!) So a review of Perfect Chemistry will be coming soon.

Also, have you checked out Adventures In Children's Publishing's line-by-line contest? I made it to the top 25 finalists! You can help the people who didn't make the cut by critiquing their first five lines. Hop on over and see if you have any helpful advice.

And did you see THIS?! The LOL Cat version of Eclipse!! Epic.

Well, my end-of-book sudden revisions are nearly done! Woot! Bonus? They're awesome!! lol Seriously though, the ending is MUCH stronger now. Yay me!

Have a great weekend everyone, see you Monday!!

Okay, GotYA killed me this morning with this, so it MUST be added. Hysterical!!!!! Go check out their post today.


LTM said...

Yay! You got it. Can't wait to read what you think. (skipped tossing in the chocolates--was afraid they'd melt and ruin it ;o) LOVE the LOL cats & Twilight funnies--good stuff~

Lia Victoria said...

Congratulations on the win :D