Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Road Trip Wednesday

This week's Road Trip Wednesday:  

In honor of the release of Like Mandarin ~ Growing up, who did you want to be like?

 When I was a little girl, I would sit out in our front yard beneath an old oak tree and dream.  I dreamed of exploring the rain forests in Bangladesh, and scrubbing the oceans free of toxins and dangers to the sea-life.  I dreamed of curing cancer and treating pediatric patients with the greatest care.  I dreamed of being a mother.

There were two people that I can say I truly dreamed of one day being like them, and still strive to be like the kind souls that they were:  Mother Theresa and Princess Diana.

As a child I watched, rapt, as Princess Diana visited children in third world countries, bringing them more than food or money -- she brought them hope.

And Mother Theresa gave everything she ever had to better the lives of so many people.

Both of these women effected me more than I could ever express.  They are the women I always wanted to be like -- heck, I still want to be like.

What about you?  Who did you want to be like growing up?


Angela said...

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be just like my mom.

Jennifer Hoffine said...

Wow....I just wanted to be a cheerleader. Cool that you aspired for so much more, even when you were young.

Unknown said...

Mother Theresa and Princess Diana were both such amazing women. I once dressed up as Mother Theresa for a report at school.

Holly Hill said...

That's awesome, Carrie.

Jennifer, I was too clumsy to ever dream of being a cheerleader. lol ;)

KatOwens: Insect Collector said...

great answer
they were both amazing

Rebecca B said...

Great answer--you must have been a very wise and compassionate teen. I wanted to be like Di because of the castles. :)

Alicia Gregoire said...

Wow. I just wanted to be popular. LOL

Holly Hill said...

Yeah...I feel totally awkward now. Everyone wanted to be, you know, normal people. lol I...did not.

Tracey Neithercott said...

*hides in shame* I wanted to be teens from TV shows, like Kelly Kapowsi. I'm glad someone here aspired to be truly great!

Unknown said...

Wow. You set the bar high, my friend. I wrote about wanting to be like a stoner dropout LOL. *hides in shame with Tracey*

Those two women are amazing role models though.

Erinn said...

Princess Di was a huge in my life. My aunt was living in England during the wedding. I got a doll of her when I was a kid.

Very cool choices.

Sarah said...

Okay, you were a way better kid than me. This makes my entry even more embarrassing.

Pam Harris said...

Wow, those were very deep choices. Princess Di was so sweet and elegant--I can still tell you where I was when I heard about her passing. :(

Holly Hill said...

I can too Pam! One of those things I'll never forget, for sure. I was distraught.

Kirsten Hubbard said...

great answer!
I mostly wasn't as altruistic as this :) or maybe I thought I was, but many of the qualities in the girls I wanted to be were admittedly more superficial.

Cathy said...

Nice to meet you on RTW! You were so noble and altruistic. I was a lot like that, too, but I also wanted to be a spoiled rich girl.

Alison Miller said...

Omg - you're so inspiring!!! Wow. I studied the life of Mother Theresa in college - she's so amazing. And if we would all be a little like her, wow - what this world would be like.

Kate Hart said...

Wow, solid answer! You were a smart kid!

Stephsco said...

Princess Diana! What a great choice. I wish I could say I aspired to be her when I was younger, although I do remember thinking she was pretty great while looking through my mother's magazines. It was such a sad day when she died.

Kaitlin Ward said...

Wow those are some serious role models! Great choices.

Aleeza said...

princess diana--HECK YEAH!